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Open Positions

Interested in a PhD in asymmetric catalysis with peptides, bioorthogonal chemistry, synthetic collagen, or tools to monitor events in the extracellular matrix? We are currently looking for outstanding, broadly interested, and dedicated students in these exciting research areas.

Interested candidates are invited to send an application including a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts and the names of at least two references to or Prof. Wennemers directly. You are also welcome to include a 1-page statement on future research interests.

Postdoctoral positions

We always welcome applications from outstanding, broadly interested, and dedicated postdocs.

Interested candidates are invited to send an application including a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts and the names of at least two references to or Prof. Wennemers directly. You are also welcome to include a 1-page statement on future research interests.

Student projects

Talented students interested in joining our group for carrying out their Master or Bachelor thesis, as well as semester research projects, are welcome to contact Professor Wennemers or the members of the group.

Asymmetric Catalysis: Dario

Synthetic Collagen - Materials: Tom

Synthetic Collagen - Fibrosis targeting: Maša

Chemical Biology: Adeline

Supramolecular Chemistry: Lena

Bioorthogonal Ligation: Ian

Teaching Assistant for Organic Chemistry I

Motivated students who are passionate about organic chemistry and are interested in becoming a teaching assistant for OC I should apply via e-mail to Prof. Wennemers and head TA Lena Beiersdörfer. Please include your motivation, CV and transcript/grades in your application. All candidates should have successfully passed the 2nd year examination.


Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers
Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
  • HCI H 313
  • +41 44 633 37 77

Lab. für Organische Chemie
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich

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