
CLASSY - ETH's contribution in Organocatalysis

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IChO Opening and closing ceremony moderated by Prof. Helma Wennemers

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Opening Ceremony

Scene with Comedian Jane Mumford: external page Link to Video (46min)  

Chemical snake with Jane Mumford: external page Link to Video (1h38min)

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Closing Ceremony

Get to know Prof. Helma Wennemers - chemist & moderator of the IChO 2023

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Frauentag 2021 – Naturwissenschaftlerinnen und ihre Erfolgsrezepte

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Spark Award 2020

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SRF 2 Einstein 2016 - Dada and Serendipity

external page Link to video

Spark Award 2015

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Helma Wennemers in Polybahn Pitch: Science in 100 seconds (2014)

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Inaugural lecture of Helma Wennemers (2012)

Link to inaugural lecture

Helma Wennemers at the Telebar at Tele Basel (2011)

external page Link to video

Auer von Welsbach Lecture (2011)

external page Link to video

Research Portrait of Helma Wennemers for Interpharma Project (2010)

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Research Magazin Einstein von SF1 - Das Geheimnis blauer Tinte (2009)

Online Radiocolumns

Helma Wennemers on DRS 2 at "DRS 2 aktuell" (German)


Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers
Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
  • HCI H 313
  • +41 44 633 37 77

Lab. für Organische Chemie
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich

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